Ceramic work

My love for throwing on the wheel is endless - when I start it is difficult to stop, be it mugs, teapots, jugs or soup bowls. Now I  only make a few domestic pots , as I am concentrating on bowls, large dishes, shapes and sculptures - working on texture, colours and new ways of glazing.

The Love of Making a Bowl

The most elemental act in pottery 
is the making of a bowl 
- it is easy, challenging, 
a delight to throw on the wheel  
yet extremely difficult to achieve 
the near perfect bowl  

 I have to be calm and let it flow like poetry 
in my mind I see the shape - 
a closed bowl or a wide open bowl 
depending on my feeling 
at the time.

 Bowls go through many processes 
- you might have the perfect shape 
with an unperfected glaze 
or a bad shape with a perfect glaze 
or a perfect shape and glaze, 
yet with a slight imperfection 
no bowl is perfect - 
apart from the bowl with a slight imperfection.

 I cannot make just one bowl 
like ceramic paintings I capture within my bowls 
the land and the sea.
rough and smooth ~ wild and serene ~ calm and chaos 
the contrast of life.

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